BiometricUpdate.com is a leading news property that publishes breaking news, analysis, and research about the global biometrics market. We place special emphasis on national security, privacy and regulatory issues, along with examining the latest industrial, commercial and residential applications for biometrics technology. Manufacturers, service providers, governments, law enforcement agencies and large corporate buyers benefit from our competitive industry intelligence on market size, multiple industry segments, venture capital and other business opportunities, along with in-depth profiles on the best emerging products and solutions. BiometricUpdate.com is published by the Biometrics Research Group, a market research supplier and consultancy to the biometric industry.
The Silicon Trust is a well-established marketing program for smart card solutions with high visibility in the worldwide government and identification (ID) markets. It was set up in the year 2000 as a key partner platform for international companies aiming at promoting the use of silicon-based security in a broad variety of applications. With more than 30 companies along the value chain, the Silicon Trust forms a strong community of like-minded companies. The driving force behind the Silicon Trust are the three executive board partners: Gemalto, Veridos and Infineon Technologies, supported by the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) and the Fraunhofer Research Institution in the Silicon Trust advisory board.
The Biometrics Institute is an independent membership organisation with offices in Sydney, Australia and London, UK. It provides an impartial international forum for biometric users and promotes the responsible use of biometrics. It has developed Privacy Guidelines for its members and has several expert and sector groups including the Biometric Vulnerability Assessment Expert Group (BVAEG), the Privacy Group, the Borders Group and the recently formed Digital Services Expert Group, who produce best-practice guiding information. It holds four biometrics conferences per year plus several training courses and networking functions. To date we have 210 member organisations from around the world, represented by over 900 individuals.
Under the auspices of the Asia Pacific Smart Card Association (APSCA), Identification & Management is the quarterly launched to provide a 360 degree view for the smart community on how the identification technology is developing and its contributions to important areas that affect our life, such as:
- Electronic identity
- Integrated security with access control
- Secured access to IT & Cloud Computing
- NFC and smart phone applications
- Revenue and information management in Transport & Urban Mobility
- Innovation in retail banking and payment services
- Smart retail and digital marketing applications, etc.
Keesing Technologies was founded in 1923 and leads the way in digital ID document and banknote authentication solutions. Our objective is to help organisations prevent counterfeiting and combat fraud by providing the world’s best authentication solutions. To this end, we market a range of printed and digital solutions that allow users – from document professionals to untrained staff – to assess the authenticity of nearly all ID documents and banknotes currently in circulation. Solutions that provide you with the assurance of a document’s authenticity. The technology we use is powered by nearly 100 years of experience and accumulated knowledge. Keesing collaborates with distributors, strategic partners and agents all over the world. Keesing is a SURYS company. For further information, visit www.keesingtechnologies.com
NFC Times is the premier source of news, analysis and commentary on Near Field Communication, contactless cards and other media, produced by real journalists. It is led by Dan Balaban, former editor of the well-respected Card Technology magazine. Balaban has covered contactless technology and the smart card industry for more than 15 years and has written about NFC since its official launch 12 years ago. He has worked as a journalist for more than 30 years, the past nine years based in Paris. NFC Times is published by Forthwrite Media SARL, Paris, France.
The Secure Identity Alliance is dedicated to supporting sustainable worldwide economic growth and prosperity through the development of trusted digital identities and the widespread adoption of secure eServices. The Alliance offers support and expertise to allow government agencies and other public bodies to implement their digital ID projects and realize the wide range of economic, public health, electoral and sustainability opportunities offered by the shift to digital service provision. The Alliance brings together public, private and non-government organizations to foster international collaboration on Digital ID challenges and the issues of data security, citizen privacy, identity, authentication and more. The Alliance plays a key role in sharing best practice and uncovering the new generation of eIdentity and eDocument technologies crucial to building the trusted framework on which to drive eGovernment, and global economic growth, forward. www.secureidentityalliance.org
Smartex was established in 1993, and since then has developed the world’s leading membership-based forums for organisations working in the smart technology sector. Smartex brings together the community of suppliers and users, to share knowledge and increase awareness of each sector’s successes, issues and future direction.
FindBiometrics is your leading industry resource for all information on biometrics identification and identity verification systems and solutions. We have the latest daily news from the global biometric and identity management business community, a comprehensive vendor list, informative articles, interviews with industry leaders, exclusive videos, links to biometric associations and a calendar of the most important current industry news events and conferences. For more than a decade we have brought you the top industry news, answering all of your questions, and have remained an integral player in the biometrics community. Now, here in the industry’s most rapid growth period, we are here to keep you more connected, knowledgeable, and up-to- date on the latest identity management news than ever before.
Mobile ID World is here to bring you the latest in mobile authentication solutions and application providers. Our company is dedicated to providing users with the best content and cutting edge information on technology, news, and mobile solutions for your mobile identity management needs. From the same minds that brought you FindBiometrics, Mobile ID World is committed to bringing you the best information, in a quick, contextual, and comprehensive way. Mobile ID World is your authorized go-to source for everything in strong mobile authentication. This includes: M2M, NFC, access control, biometrics enabled smartphones and anything that promises to make life more convenient and secure.