South African Airways (SAA) is committed to providing delegates attending ID4Africa 2017 a discount offering ranging from 5 – 18% per point of sale, off its lowest published airfares on the services of SAA subject to the relevant class availability for international and regional market related airfares. To enjoy this special rate, please follow the information provided below
Online Bookings
Cliquez ici to book your reservation and secure your SAA ticket. In your booking, enter the conference Promo Code: ID4AFRICA to receive the discounted fares.
Book with a local Sales Office
To reserve your flights directly with South African Airways, call any local SAA office or the dedicated helpline at +27 11 510-8475 or e-mail your request to globalmice@flysaa.com.
Note: Utilisez le code ID4Africa Forum 2017 authorization code of SA10172 to ensure the discounted event fares.
Fare discounts will be determined by the origin of travel, flight schedule, and whether travelling Business or Economy class. Travel must take place between: 12 April – 12 May 2017.

Discounts on Flights to ID4Africa 2017 with Kenya Airways
Online Bookings
As an organizer, ID4Africa receives a 10% discount with Kenya Airlines and all the participants and officials can get this discount based on market and IATA published fares on all routes operated entirely by Kenya Airline during conference period.
Visit the official Kenya Airways website to plan and select your itinerary.
Email your selected schedule request to groupsdesk@kenya-airways.com avec pour objet « ID4Africa Group Discount » et en copie Julia Li in the ID4Africa office at j.li@id4africa.com.
Delegates should make their payment by means of a bank transfer (only). Credit card payments will not be accepted.
For flight/schedule changes, refunds or cancellations, delegates should directly contact groupsdesk@kenya-airways.com or reservations@kenya-airways.com.