ID4Africa Digital Goodies Policy


ID4Africa Digital Goodies refer to informative online resources; specifically research material, reports, case studies, whitepapers, analysis, survey results etc., that is verifiable and compliments or enhances a presenters line of discussion, and serves as educational value to LiveCast participants.

Digital Goodies also include calls for collective action put forward by government institutions, development agencies, consortiums, associations, not-for-profit entities, NGOs, civil society, R&D groups, academics and regulators.

All digital goodies must support ID4Africa’s objective to maintain knowledge-exchange and capacity-building on identity related matters.


Digital Goodies must be supplied as links accompanied by a brief title or one (1) sentence description about the content which can be easily shared within the LiveCast chat feed. Goodies submitted as files such as PDFs, PPTs, Word documents etc, will not be accepted since such formats cannot be easily shared in the chat engagement channel.

In addition, Digital Goodies must be information that is authored either by the panelist or the organization(s) being represented by the panelist. Information from third-parties can be submitted for pre-approval accompanied by an official written authorization from the presenting panelist that allows ID4Africa to disseminate the information publicly and freely on their behalf.


Digital Goodies are not intended for making marketing or sales pitches intended to promote a brand, product, technology solution or service. Such items, if submitted, will not be highlighted by the LiveCast host or shared in the chat by ID4Africa.

Screening & Approval Process

All Digital Goodies will be subject to a screening and approval process by the ID4Africa LiveCast Committee. The Committee reserves the right to share or not share the information provided with or without prior notice.