- 08 Feb. 2023
- 14:30 CET
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Previous episodes:
Civil Registration in Africa: Scaling for Impact
Civil registration continues to be a major challenge for legal identity development in Africa. Despite notable progress around the continent, it is becoming clear that unless countries embrace new ways of doing business around civil registration, the Continent will fail to meet SDG 16.9 by 2030. In view of the critical importance of the topic, we kickstart our program for 2023 with a LiveCast entirely dedicated to civil registration.
On this 37th Episode, host, Dr. Joseph Atick, will engage with renowned experts and practitioners to explore new approaches that promise to make an impact on Mission 100—ensuring that no child is left unregistered in Africa. The episode will feature the following segments and topics:

Dr. Joseph Atick
Executive Chairman ID4Africa
Dr. Joseph Atick is a recognized world renowned advocate and expert on identity matters. Having been one of the founders of the identity industry nearly 30 years ago, he led several companies in that domain and developed some of the foundational algorithms underlying secure digital identity today, including the first commercially viable face recognition algorithm.
Dr. Atick retired from the industry in 2010 to focus on promoting identity for social and economic development around the world. In that mission he partnered with the World Bank and other UN agencies, and was heavily involved in the development and field testing of the methodology and analytic tools that would guide the subsequent activities in that space, and would lead to the launch of the ID4D initiative at the World Bank.
In 2014, he co-founded ID4Africa as a pan-African Movement to promote responsible digital transformations through digital identity in Africa. He is a staunch defender of privacy, data protection and human rights and continues to provide counsel to governments and international organization on the use of identity for public good. Dr. Atick holds a Ph.D. in Mathematical Physics from Stanford University.
S1 (a): Panel Discussion with International Agencies
A look at accelerators for the 2030 agenda, including:
- Updates from COM6 (6th Conference of Ministers Responsible for Civil Registration)
- Perspectives from UNECA and UNICEF on the key recommendations of COM6 and the strategic shifts needed for achieving SDGs 16.9/17.19

Oliver Chinganya
Director, African Centre for Statistics UNECA

Cornelius Williams
Director, Child Protection Program UNICEF
S1 (b): Perspectives from Civil Registration Authorities
Updates and Perspectives from the 1st Vice President, Bureau of the 6th Conference of African Ministers Responsible for Civil Registration

Alexandre Marie Yomo
Director General, National Civil Registration Bureau (BUNEC) Cameroon
This segment will consist of a series of brief updates on digitalization approaches and on the need to build standardization and common assets for CRVS in Africa.
Safe, Innovative and Cost-Effective Digitalization

Bhaskar Mishra
CRVS and Legal Identity Specialist UNICEF
Key Findings from UNICEF’s Landscape Analysis for Digitalization Efforts in Africa

Fui Meng Liew
Chief, Digital Centre of Excellence
Updates from AfDB on Digitalization Efforts in Africa

Roza M. Bora
Principal Statistician, Statistics Department African Development Bank
Digital Public Goods in CR: Update on OpenCRVS

Annina Wersun
Director, Community Development & Engagement
Segment 3: African CR Bulletin
In this segment we explore the range of promising solutions currently being deployed in Africa. These include home grown solutions, commercial solutions as well as open source.

Lamin Fatty
Registrar, Births and Deaths Ministry of Health, THE GAMBIA

Josephine Mukesha
Director General NIDA, RWANDA

Christian Ago Kodia
Director General ONECI, CÔTE D'IVOIRE

Ali Larkem
Central Director, Technology Foresight and Monitoring MICLAT, ALGERIA