
Ali Larkem
Central Director of Technology foresight and monitioring; General Directorate of Modernization, Documentation and Archives Ministry of the Interior, Local Government and Regional Planning
Ali Larkem is currently Central Director of Foresight and Technological Watch, at the General Directorate of Modernization, Documentation and Archives in the Ministry of the Interior, Local Government and Regional Planning. He has a dual competency profile in IT and Public Management. He has over 20 years’ experience in digitization and modernization projects within State institutions and administrations: electronic biometric passport, electronic biometric National Identity Card, electronic biometric driving license, national level information systems, and dematerialization of administrative procedures. He has held several senior government positions. He is also an Associate Professor at the National School of Administration (ENA) and an active member of several scientific, study and steering committees.

Sebastião Edgar Fuma
Secondary Identification Assistant National Directorate of Identification, Registration and Notary
Sebastião Edgar Fuma serves as Secondary Identification Assistant at the National Directorate of Identification, Registration and Notary in Angola. He started working at the National Directorate of the Civil and Criminal Identification Archive of Angola, an organ of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, in 2013, and joined the ranks of judicial officer in 2019.
He is a strong supporter of causes and social activism, seeking to contribute to the promotion of equal opportunities and fundamental rights of humanity, respect, and appreciation of the cultural identity of communities. Professionally, he seeks to contribute to the realization of plans and programs aimed at maximizing the identification of Angolan citizens and reducing the number of unidentified African citizens.
He has a Degree in Law and Business from The Open University, England.

Aura Merveilles S. Hountondji
Head of Biometric Census and Civil Status Registration ServiceNational Agency for the Identification of Persons (ANIP)
Aura Merveilles S. Hountondji is Head of the Biometric Census and Civil Status Registration Service at the National Agency for the Identification of Persons (ANIP) in Benin. The service is responsible for implementing State reforms in terms of identification of persons and civil registration, taking into account Beninese nationals and foreigners residing in the territory, Beninese nationals of the diaspora as well as registration of all vital events in the National Register of Natural Persons (RNPP). Ms. Hountondji joined ANIP in November 2020 as a Telecoms Network Engineer in the “Consolidation of the Register of Natural Persons” project. She worked at SONATEL-ORANGE (Senegal) on an interim basis as a Cellular Radio Technician from 2017 to 2019. She holds a Master’s in Networks and Telecommunications (Radio communication and Services specialization) from the Ecole Supérieure Multinationale des Télécommunications (ESMT)) in Dakar, Senegal.

Gaone Angelinah Matakule
Assistant Director - National Registration, Department of Civil and National Registration Ministry of Labour and Home Affairs
Gaone Angelinah Matakule currently serves as Assistant Director in the Department of Civil and National Registration. She oversees the implementation of the National Registration Act, which entails registration and issuance of National Identity Cards to eligible citizens. Ms. Matakule has over ten years’ experience in civil registration and identity management. She previously held the positions of Regional Registration Officer and Field Services Coordinator, where she was responsible for, among others, ensuring timely access to registration services. Over the years, she contributed immensely to the achievement of the Department’s objectives which included review of legislation, development of ICT systems such the Automated Biometric Identification System, and comprehensive assessment of the Civil Registration and Vital Statistics system, among others. She is also a member of the Project Implementation Team, which is responsible for the development of a new electronic identification system.
Burkina Faso

Wênd-Bouda Serge Soubeaga
Civil Administrator and Secretary General National Identification Office (ONI); Ministry of Territorial Administration, Decentralization and Security
Wênd-Bouda Serge Soubeaga is currently Secretary General of the National Identification Office, at the Ministry in charge of Security. In this capacity, he is responsible for: ensuring the administrative and technical coordination of the central directorates, decentralized structures and services; contributing to the implementation of identification reforms; developing and proposing draft texts on various subjects related to the identification of persons.
Long before occupying this post, he was Head of the Legal Affairs and Litigation Department of the General Directorate in charge of Civil Liberties. Also, he was Prefect of the Department and President of the Departmental Court, responsible for rendering declaratory judgments of civil status documents and supplementary judgments.
Wênd-Bouda Serge is a Civil administrator and lawyer and holds a diploma from ENAM, a master’s degree in business law, a master’s degree in international business management and certificates in various fields.

Eliane Akoa Efa
Head of the Universal Birth Registration Project in Africa National Bureau of Civil Registration of Cameroon (BUNEC)
Eliane Akoa Efa serves at the National Bureau of Civil Registration (BUNEC) as Head of the Universal Birth Registration Project in Africa and Focal Point of Bloomberg Philanthropies’ Data for Health Initiative in Cameroon. In these capacities, she tests innovative methods to improve the registration of births and deaths as well as the collection of statistics. Since 2019, she has also been participating in strengthening interoperability between health and civil registration through the development and implementation of the memorandum of understanding relating to the improvement of health systems and civil registration between the Ministry of Public Health and BUNEC, the installation of civil status offices in health facilities and the sustainable integration of birth registration into public health campaigns. Eliane is also a representative of BUNEC on the Africa CDC Continental Mortality Surveillance Framework.
Cape Verde

Vânia Pereira
Assistant to the President of the Implementation Team National Civil Identification and Authentication System (SNIAC)
Vânia Pereira is an IT professional who currently serves as Assistant to the President of the National Civil Identification and Authentication System Implementation Team since 2017, having coordinated the implementation of Cape Verde’s electronic identification documents: National ID Card, Cape Verdean Electronic Passport, Residence Permit for foreigners and solutions for the digital use of these documents (authentication and digital signature).
Since 2004, she has acquired vast knowledge and ability to create software for dematerializing the services of the State of Cape Verde and facilitating the life of citizens, especially in terms of Civil Registration, Notary and Electronic Identification – eID. She performed several functions including analysis, coordination of solution implementation, training, knowledge transfer, maintenance and IT project management.
Central African Republic

Edith Yolande Ouoko Delombaut
Executive Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralization
Bio not yet available.

Ali Sougour Dicko
Deputy Director of Political Affairs and Civil Status Ministry of Territorial Administration, Decentralization and Good Governance
Ali Sougour Dicko, ENA graduate and lawyer by training, is a Civil Administrator at the Ministry of Territorial Administration, Decentralization and Good Governance.
He holds a Bachelor’s degree in General Administration and a Research Master’s degree in Public Law, obtained from the National School of Administration (ENA) of Chad in 2018 and from the University of N’Djamena in June 2022, respectively. He also holds the Higher Military Preparation Diploma (PMS) obtained under the direction of the Group of Joint Military Schools (GEMIA). He was President of the Student Association of the 17th Promotion of ENA / Chad from June 2017 to June 2018.
He began his career in 2019 at the Ministry in charge of Territorial Administration and Decentralization. From August 2020 to October 14, 2021, he was Head of the Synthesis Service at the General Directorate of Territorial Administration (DGAT), before being appointed as Deputy Director of Political Affairs and Civil status on October 15, 2021.

Samira Ahmed Mohamed Djalim
Advisor in charge of Communication Ministry of Interior
Samira Ahmed Mohamed Djalim is the Advisor in charge of Communication at the Ministry of the Interior of the Comoros. She has more than 15 years of professional experience in the field of communication, including two years with the Indian Ocean Commission which she joined in March 2020 and more than 11 years with UNICEF. She holds a Master’s Degree in Communication and Languages and has acquired an incredible amount of know-how and experience in the field over the past 15 years.

Director of Civil Registration Directorate General of Territorial Administration; Ministry of Interior, Decentralization and Local Development
Bio not yet available.
Côte d’Ivoire

Karidja Kone Epse Bamba
Director of Affiliation The National Health Insurance Fund (CNAM)
Bio not yet available.

Moustapha M. Ismail
Director General, National Agency of State Information Systems (ANSIE) Office of the President
Mr. Moustapha Mohamed ISMAIL is Director General of the National Agency of Information Systems (SI) of the State at the Presidency of the Republic of Djibouti. He has worked on the development and implementation of the Djiboutian Government Datacenter which not only contributes significantly to pooling in the state’s IT resources, but also offers the State a common multi-service platform for hosting administrative computer applications. He currently pilots the project for the design and implementation of a national system of identification and biometric authentication which aims to provide the country with a reliable and secure National Population Register. In addition, he created a blueprint for the development of electronic services for citizens across the State. He also contributed to the development and implementation of the Social Register project, particularly the technical specifications phase for defining requirements, and overseeing the deliverables and deployment of the solutions that are currently in progress.
D.R. Congo

Moussa Musavuli Mbutho
Coordinator of the Technical Unit
Office of the Special Adviser to the Head of State on Security
Moussa MBUTHO is a specialist in information systems management (IS) and has strong expertise in a number of disciplines including risk management, IS urbanization development, management of portfolio projects, organizational management, consultancy, financial management of projects, managing multidisciplinary teams, marketing, and several other dynamic areas of specialized interest. He currently Chairs the Center de Séjours Scores d’Afrique Centrale (CSSAC), a Congolese organization whose mission is to contribute to building scientific and technical capacities to ensure sustainable development, through the promotion of education and training. He is also a member of the Executive Committee of the NGO, Objectif International Science, (under Swiss law). Moussa has also been an adviser for ICT in the Office of the Prime Minister. Previously he also served in this capacity within the Cabinet of the Minister of Finance (2010-2012), and was Programmer Analyst (with specialization in biometrics) at the National Treatment Center (CNT) of the Independent Electoral Commission (2007-2011). In the past he was Network Administrator of the Aid and Investment Management Platform (PGAI) at the Ministry of Planning , Consultant of the Development Gateway Foundation for the deployment of the PGAI, and Assistant Secretary General of the University of Kinshasa (2007-2009). Moussa is an affiliate member of the International Association for International Association for Counseling (IAC), the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), and the DGroups community for an open government partnership (OGP – Open Government Partnership).

Phumlani F. Zwane
Assistant Regional Civil Registrar Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Department
Bio not yet available.

Rahel Fidel
Technology Advisor to the Mayor Addis Ababa City Administration
Rahel Fidel was born and raised in Ethiopia before moving to North America. While in the US and Canada, she pursued a Masters in Information Technology. Since relocating to Ethiopia in the last few years, she has been leading, directing and overseeing ICT development at the Ministry of Revenue, Ministry of Science and Technology and now at the Mayor’s Office in Addis Ababa. There she ensures continuous operation and cost-efficiency of the Ministry’s systems, network, database architecture and data security, in order to achieve consistency and reliability of hardware, software, non-system tools, data archiving and offsite disaster recovery management. Prior to moving to Ethiopia, Rahel worked at Stanford University for over 16 years in various areas within the IT department. Her responsibilities as system analyst consisted of designing new IT solutions, modifying, enhancing existing systems and integrating new features or improvements, all with the aim of improving business efficiency and productivity.

Huguette Mboumba Moussodou
Director of Communication and Public Relations Pensions and Family Benefits Fund for State Agents (CPPF)
Huguette Mboumba Moussodou has been Director of Communication and Public Relations at the Pensions and Family Benefits Fund for State Agents (Caisse des Pensions et des Prestations Familiales des Agents de l’Etat (CPPF)) in Gabon since 2016. Prior to this position, she was Communication Advisor in charge of protocol at the Gabonese Embassy in the United States of America – Washington, DC. She was also a teacher and then Director of Studies at l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Secrétariat, now IUSO (Omar BONGO ONDIMBA University, Libreville-Gabon). She is a Graduate of Strayer University, Washington DC.

Kodu Suso
Assistant Superintendent of Immigration Gambia Immigration Department
Bio not yet available

Reuben Tetteh
Datacenter Manager and Information Security Coordinator National Identification Authority
Reuben Tetteh is Datacenter Manager and Information Security Coordinator at the National Identification Authority (NIA), Ghana. Prior to that, he was Deputy Head of Datacenter Operations where he was responsible for the end-to-end management of the Datacenter infrastructure and its related services. He previously served as a Network/System administrator and then as Acting Head of Technology & Biometrics at the NIA. He sits on several NIA committees and is currently the lead for the NIA business continuity plan drafting committee.
Reuben has an MBA from the Accra Business School, in affiliation with Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. He also has an MSc in Information Communication Technology and a Post Graduate Diploma in ICT (Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration) and a BSc in Business computing and Information Systems from Wales University.

Sayon Dambélé
Director General National Agency for Economic and Social Inclusion (ANIES)
M. Sayon DAMBELE is a sociologist by training and a specialist in social and health policies. A graduate of the University of Conakry and the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris (EHESS/ENS), he has been working for fifteen years on various issues relating to social vulnerability, drugs and addictions as well as development issues.
After ten years spent in France, he returned to Guinea where he headed a multidisciplinary design office before being recruited by the Wuri-Guinea Populations Digital Identification Program, financed by the World Bank, as a specialist at the social center. On January 21, 2022, he was appointed Director General of the National Agency for Economic and Social Inclusion (ANIES) by presidential decree.

Edson Pereira
Country Coordinator, Project GESTDOC Camões / Ministry of Justice and Human Rights
Edson Pereira is Coordinator of the project GESTDOC – Modernizing and strengthening secure identity chains and documental security. He is a Project Manager linked to projects of information systems and technologies, civil and electronic identification, e-governance and sustainable development strategies related to ICT. Consultant for over 13 years, in several multinationals, in recent years he has been dedicated to transformation and innovation in public administration, mainly in Portugal and Guinea-Bissau.

Anderson Chebii
Assistant Director, ICT National Registration Bureau
Anderson Kimutai CHEBII is an Assistant Director ICT at the National Registration Bureau, Ministry of Interior and National Administration, Kenya. He has over 19 years’ professional experience in ICT; 15 years as Head of ICT at National Registration Bureau and 4 years at National Treasury, implementation of Integrated Financial Management Systems (IFMIS).
Anderson has participated in designing various government programs spanning Identity, project and financial managements. He holds an MSc in Computer Systems and BSc Honours in Mathematics and Computer Science from Jomo Kenyatta University. He has certifications in Oracle Database Administration, Systems Administration, Microsoft, Cisco, Oracle Financials and Identity Management.

Napo Khuele
Director National Identity and Civil Registry
Napo Khuele currently serves as Director of the National Identity and Civil Registry (NICR) Department in Lesotho. He is a former Investigator with the Directorate on Corruption and Economic Offences and has been a part of the NICR department since its establishment 10 years ago as Integrity and Quality Assurance Manager.
He was an integral part of the team that participated in the design and development of the integrated Civil Registration and Identity Management automated system and the roll out of the National ID program in Lesotho. He is also a member of the CRVS Core Team that led and coordinated the comprehensive assessment of the CRVS system in Lesotho and participated in the development of the CRVS strategic plan following the CRVS system Comprehensive Assessment.

Winston Jah
Assistant Director-General for Public Information, Education and Training National Social Security and Welfare Corporation (NASSCORP)
Winston Q. Jah is currently the Assistant Director-General for Public Information, Education and Training at the National Social Security & Welfare Corporation (NASSCORP), Liberia, where he is responsible for corporate public relations activities, chief educator on the national social security programs and staff professional development training specialist.
He holds a Bachelor of Science (BSc.) degree in Economics from the University of Liberia and has obtained several achievement certificates including Pension Core Training (2007), International Training Center (ILO), Turin, Italy; World Bank Core Pension Training, World Bank Group (2010), Washington, D.C. USA; Strategic Planning for Senior Managers, (2012), Institute for Capacity Development, Windhoek, Namibia; Self Introductory Records Management ((2012), Carter Center, Monrovia, Liberia; Plain Language Reader Focus Training Course (2011); Customer Care 101 (2012). He also acquired local training in a number of professional courses, including Work Performance Appraisal Training (2011); Leadership, Module: 8, Team Building and Leadership, Liberia Institute of Success Technology & Leadership Studies, among others. In addition, he has represented NASSCORP at several meetings/seminars regionally and globally and served as resource assistant to the Technical Committee on Pension Reforms (2014 – 2016).

Serge Aina Nirina
Director of Programming and Monitoring and Evaluation Ministry of the Interior and Decentralization
Serge Aina Nirina is Director of Programming and Monitoring and Evaluation in the Ministry of the Interior and Decentralization of Madagascar. In his current position, he is at the heart of the implementation and monitoring of the various activities of the Ministry. He also works closely with the Department responsible for the reform of the civil status system and thus participates in the implementation of the reform in progress.
He has served as Administrative District Head and Representative of the State in some Districts in Madagascar. With his wide experience in the field, he conducted retroactive birth registration operations with the objective of issuing copies of birth certificates and national identity cards within the framework of the implementation of the birth registration rehabilitation program or EKA Program.
Serge is a graduate in Public Administration and holds a master’s degree in Management. He has knowledge and skills in various fields including legal, strategic, IT and managerial.

Thelma Saiwa
Chief Examiner AML/CFT Reserve Bank of Malawi
Thelma Saiwa is a Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS 2016) who has worked with the Central Bank for over two decades. She has acquired vast experience in Supervision of Financial Institutions and General Administration.
As a Chief Examiner responsible for Anti Money Laundering/Combating of Terrorist Financing (AML/CFT) at the Reserve Bank of Malawi, she ensures through financial institutions surveillance that adequate due diligence of prospective customers, beneficial owners and entities is conducted through proper identification and verification processes prior to establishment of business relationships and conduct of transactions. She has an Executive MBA (2008).

Mounina Cheikh el wely Ahmed Mahmoud
Head of System and IT Maintenance, IT Department Ministry of Interior and Decentralization

Beena Damadarsing-Goorapah
Temp. Principal Civil Status Officer, Civil Status Division Prime Minister’s Office
Mrs. Beena Damadarsing-Goorapah has 11 years of experience at the Civil Status Division (CSD) which she joined in October 2010 as Civil Status Officer. For the last 7 years she has been performing at Senior Management level attached to the Office of the Registrar of Civil Status. In April 2021, Mrs. Damadarsing-Goorapah was appointed Temp. Principal Civil Status Officer which makes her the First Female Officer in that post and the second in the line of hierarchy of CSD. Her responsibilities at the CSD constitute registration of all civil events and other matters related to the status/identity of a person in the Republic of Mauritius. Over the years, she has brought major changes at the CSD which include Setting up of a Marriage Hall for celebration of civil marriages, Digitalisation of civil status records, Online Application of civil status extracts and Amendment of Civil Status Act 1981. She holds a Master in Business Administration (General) and a BSc Hons. Public Administration and Management.

Fátima Achá Baronet
Deputy National Director of Registries and Notary Ministry of Justice, Constitutional and Religious Affairs
Fátima Achá Baronet is the Deputy National Director of Registries and Notary at the Ministry of Justice, Constitutional and Religious Affairs of Mozambique; a position she has held since 2015. Prior to this, she served as Director of the 4th and 3rd Notary Offices of Maputo. She has a Law Degree from the Higher Institute of Science and Technology of Mozambique (ISCTEM) and is also a graduate of the Center for Legal and Judicial Training.

Taddeus Shambalula
Control Administrative Officer, National Population Identification and Production Division Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration, Safety and Security
Taddeus Shambalula has worked in the field of Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) for over 10 years. He currently serves as Control Administrative Officer for National Population Identification and Production Division in the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration, Safety and Security, Namibia. In this capacity, he oversees the production of quality-controlled ID cards from the Population Register, is responsible for the planning and budgeting of the Division, participates in the drawing up of annual budget proposals and identifies training needs for staff members.
He holds a Bachelor of Technology Degree, a National Diploma and a National Certificate in Public Management from the Namibia University of Science and Technology.

Mouna Aminami Afagnibo
Senior Adviser, Communications expert Office of the Prime Minister
Mouna Aminami AFAGNIBO is a senior advisor at the Prime Minister’s Office in the Republic of Niger. She is also a communications expert to the National System for Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI). At the EITI she is responsible for organizing strategic communication plans, disseminating information and driving the organization’s objectives at national level. She also oversees the information system of ITIE Niger and manages the data collection process to extract and communicate the figures needed to produce their annual reports. Prior to her current roles she was a Project Manager for 2 years under a European Union project, which involved women and young adults in Niger’s political process. Prior to this, she served a one-year term as Training Consultant at Field Consulting, and for 6 years was Child Protection Officer at Islamic Relief Worldwide.
Beyond the working scene,
Mouna is in charge of running training programs in leadership and
entrepreneurship for women at the Nigerian Association for the Progress and
Defense of Women’s Rights (2007 to date). She has a degree in computer science
and a diploma in computer programming. She was elevated to the rank of Knight
of the Order of Merit of Niger in 2020, by His Excellency the President of the

Hadiza Ali-Dagabana
Director, Legal, Regulatory & Compliance Services/ Commission Secretary National Identity Management Commission (NIMC)
Hadiza Ali DAGABANA joined NIMC in 2008 to establish the Regulatory and Compliance Department. She is currently General Manager for Legal, Regulatory & Compliances Services, and is Secretary to the Commission. Hadiza has over 26 years’ experience in corporate legal practice and is an active Member of the ID4Africa Movement; Secure Identity Alliance; Nigerian Bar Association; Federation of Women Lawyers and the International Bar Association. She has served extensively in legal capacity for the Nigerian government, holding roles such as Senior Counsel at the Bureau of Public Enterprises and Legal Advisor at Transcorp. Hadiza is widely accomplished academically; holding degrees and certification from a number of international and regional institutions.

Jean Claude Niyokwizerwa
Digital Identity and Trust Services Expert Ministry of ICT and Innovation
Jean Claude Niyokwizerwa is seconded to the Rwanda Digital Acceleration Project from Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority (RURA). Currently, he is the project’s expert in Digital Identity and Trust Services where he oversees overall Implementation of Single Digital Identity (SDID). He has 15 years of experience in ICT, Immerging Technologies and Projects Management. Throughout the years he has contributed to various engagements including participating in the formulation and enforcement of different regulatory instruments in the ICT sector. He has also led research and implementation of a distributed systems architecture on behalf of RURA and the Smart Africa Secretariat. He also coordinated the Rwanda chapter of ITU Smart Incubator programme, aimed at using frontier technologies such AI, IoT and Block chain and linking the innovations through start-ups and SMEs for adoption of the ITU standardization.
Jean Claude holds a Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology from the Adventist University of Central Africa (AUCA) Kigali-Rwanda and Master of Science Degree in Information Technology Management from Staffordshire University, Stoke-on-Trent, UK.
São Tomé and Príncipe

Abigail Tiny Cosme
Second Secretary of the Diplomatic Career Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Communities of São Tomé and Príncipe
Bio not available

Aliou Ousmane Sall
Director General National Civil Status Agency (ANEC), Ministry of Territorial Communities, Development and Regional Planning
Aliou Ousmane SALL is Director General of the newly created National Civil Status Agency (AVEC) at the Ministry of Territorial Communities, Development and Regional Planning. ANEC is responsible for defining the guidelines and ensuring the implementation of civil registration policies. It provides technical support and accompaniment to territorial actors and populations in all areas relating to the functioning of centers and the modernization of civil registration. From 2014 to 2019, Mr. SALL was respectively Head of the Studies and Planning Division at the Local Development Agency and Responsible for Operations of the National Observatory of Decentralization and Local Development (ONDDL). At the same time, he was a Member of the Restricted Technical Committee for the preparation of the plans for National Land Use Planning. Mr. SALL holds a Master in Urban Planning and Management. He is also Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of Bokidiawé, responsible for cooperation and external relations.
Sierra Leone

Jusufu Henry Swaray
Director, Voters Roll and Data Management National Electoral Commission
Mr. Jusufu Henry Swaray, Jr is the Director of Voters Roll and Data Management of the National Electoral Commission-Sierra Leone (NEC-SL). He is responsible for the day-to-day management of data and voters roll.
Mr. Swaray has more than 14 years working experience in the field of Information Technology, Data Management, Data Analysis and Project Management and has acquired vast experience in data management, electoral processes and identity management.
He holds a Bachelor of Science (Hons) Degree in Information Systems, Post Graduate Diploma in Procurement from the Institute of Public Administration and Management (IPAM), Bachelor of Science Degree in Education (Mathematics-major and Economics-minor), University of Sierra Leone and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) Degree in Project Management, Njala University.

Abdullahi Bihi Hussein
Deputy Director General National Identification and Registration Authority
Not Available yet
South Africa

Maria Christina Mowayo
Director, Application Procession Ministry of Home Affairs
South Sudan

Col. Kuc Koor Kuc
Director, ICT Directorate of Civil Registry, Nationality, Passports And Immigration (DCRNPI)
Bio not yet available.

Brenda Joshua Kileo
Ag. Head of District Coordination Unit National Identification Authority (NIDA)
Brenda Joshua Kileo is Ag. Head of District Coordination Unit at National Identification Authority (NIDA), Tanzania. She also worked as a Senior Registration Officer where she supervised Registration, Identification, Verification and Issuance processes for over six years. Prior to this, she worked for DEMO Finland as a Project Officer, Secretary and Supervisor to ULINGO’s activities (a platform for Women Politicians from different political parties with representatives in the Parliament) to support a 50/50 percent ratio in the Parliament. Brenda holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology and Master’s in Public Administration. She is an alumnus of the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM), the Mozambique Tanzania Centre for Foreign Relations (CFR) and Mzumbe University, Tanzania.

Helmi Soltani
Chief Analyst, Deputy Director of IT Equipment and ApplicationsDirectorate General for IT and Application Development, Ministry of the Interior (Local Affairs)
Helmi Soltani is Chief Analyst, Deputy Director of IT Equipment and Applications at the General Directorate of IT and Application Development in the Ministry of the Interior (Local Affairs). Since 2004, he has been responsible for monitoring the national civil status system MADANIA.
Mr. Soltani was a member of the national committee for the upgrading of the National Integrated Administration Network for Local Authorities (RNIA COLLECTIVITES) as part of the generalization of the communal system throughout Tunisia (350 Communes) in 2017. He was also a member of the steering committee for the implementation of the national unique identification system for citizens in 2018; a member of the steering and technical committee for the overhaul of the national civil status system MADANIA, taking into account the requirements of the unique citizen identifier (IUC) system and interoperability with other national systems in 2019; a member of the technical committee for the development of the Citizens’ Unique Identifier Register (RIUC) in 2020 and of the commission for the evaluation of offers relating to the project to overhaul the national civil status management system (2020). He is a collaborator with the National Institute of Statistics (INS) and the National Institute of Public Health (INSP) for the improvement of civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS) and Responsible for testing and reception of the RIUC data access platform (IUC project component) since 2022.

Togbe Agbagla
Technical Director Togo Digital Agency (ATD)
Mr Togbe Agbagla is the Technical Director of the Togo Digital Agency, in charge of the digitalization of the country. Previously he was in charge of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence projects within the Ministry of Digital Economy and Digital Transformation. In particular, he contributed to the digitization of the vaccination campaign against COVID-19, from enrollment to the issuance of the digitally signed health pass which is recognized by the African Union and the European Union. He is an engineer by training, specializing in the naval field and artificial intelligence.

Grace Nanyanzi
Manager, Information Systems; National Identification and Registration Authority (NIRA) Ministry of Internal Affairs
Grace NANYANZI is Information Systems Manager at the Uganda’s National Identification and Registration Authority. She is a multi-skilled ICT professional with well–rounded supervisory and technical expertise. She has extensive practical knowledge in building complex systems, hardware and software specifications, testing and implementation, network support, technical support and computer repairs. Grace has a wealth of experience in ICT policy development, strategic planning, infrastructure design, project evaluation, national identification and registration systems, biometrics systems, and system integration. She was part of the National ID project implementation team that achieved 14 million adults registered within 4 months. In the past, she was also a member of the system specification and testing team and was IT lead overseeing 24/7 operations for a period of one year. She is currently focusing on system integration to ensure various institutions are able to verify identities and share information online.

Catherine Nyumba Bweupe
Acting Chief Passport and Citizenship Officer Department of National Registration, Passport and Citizenship; Ministry Of Home Affairs and Internal Security
Bio not yet available